20 Important Reference Check Questions to Ask in Canada
Ever felt that something was off about one of your candidates when conducting a job interview? Even despite their glowing CV?
Checking the references provided by them first can help keep this from happening, and can help save you time and resources.
A reference check is simple — it confirms the information the candidate provided when applying for the position.
It involves asking about the applicant’s employment history and using this to consider if the candidate will be a good fit for the role on offer.
Hiring the wrong employee could negatively affect your organization through poor job performance, impaired corporate image, and lost revenue.
This is why candidates in the final selection process for employment are the focus of reference checks — they can unmask anything unfavorable the candidate might be hiding and prevent a wrong hiring decision.
We’ll give you the vital reference check questions to ask in Canada. They’ll help you get the information you need to make the best choice for employment.
Why Reference Check?
There are many reasons employers need to conduct a reference check on the candidates for any job position:
To confirm the candidate’s references
To get a good view of the candidate’s strengths and weaknesses
As an opportunity to assess their work ethic, skill sets, communication style, attitude, and response to pressure
To identify areas where the candidate will need extra training
To validate their past job experience, job title, accomplishments, and qualifications
To get the opinion of past job performances through their former superiors and colleagues
To assess the candidate’s working relationship with their previous co-workers and managers
To reveal unknown behaviors that could affect the candidate’s job performance
To dissuade dishonest candidates from applying
To fill in gaps in the candidate’s employment background
To make an effective hiring decision
Reference checks are an essential part of the hiring process, providing hiring managers with valuable insight into a job candidate’s past work experiences and behaviors. These checks are especially critical when filling positions with a high level of responsibility or a specialized job title. By conducting reference checks, hiring managers can verify the accuracy of a candidate’s job history and ensure they possess the necessary qualifications for the position. Additionally, reference checks can reveal any potential red flags or concerns regarding a candidate’s behavior or job performance, such as a history of conflict with previous co-workers or managers. This information can help hiring managers make informed decisions and avoid costly mistakes down the road. Overall, reference checks are a vital tool in the hiring process, enabling employers to assess job candidates thoroughly and make the best hiring decisions possible.
However, employers need to ensure that this procedure is carried out within the provisions of the law.
Reference Check Laws in Canada
Privacy laws govern background checks and checking references in Canada. These include the Privacy Act and PIPEDA (Personal Information Protection and Electronic Documents Act) at the federal level, but similar laws also exist at the provincial level.
The Right Way to Conduct Reference Checks
Reference checks have significant weight during an organization’s hiring decision.
A recent study in the US states that, on average, managers conducting a reference check removed a third of the candidates in the running for a job after discovering unfavorable facts about them.
Performing reference checking requires structure to be effective — a standard procedure must be available, including a set of questions to ask. This will ensure similar treatment of each candidate and an effective hiring decision.
When conducting reference checks, gathering as much information as possible is essential to make an informed hiring decision. While personal references can provide valuable insights into a job candidate’s character, former supervisors can offer a complete picture of their work history and job performance. It’s crucial to ask open-ended questions that allow the reference to provide detailed information about the candidate’s skills, work ethic, and ability to work within a team. By gathering information from multiple sources and taking a thorough approach to reference checking, employers can make an informed hiring decision based on a complete and accurate picture of the candidate’s qualifications and suitability for the role.
The below form is a good example:
This should help everything run smoothly when contacting the references. Though, before you do, make sure you’re well prepared.
When the Candidate Applies
Each candidate must provide the right references — former employers, professional colleagues, etc., they worked with — during the employment application process. At least three former co-workers and supervisors are typically adequate for this purpose.
However, there might be a situation where the candidate is applying for their first job, as is often the case with fresh college graduates. In this instance, their former lecturers and professors can be a good source of information.
Ask for the applicant’s consent before conducting a check on their references, and get them to sign a form confirming it during the application process.
Also, make sure the candidate provides references willing to stand for them. This should be stated when advertising the vacancy, as it will make the process easier and help you avoid back-door reference checking — getting information about the candidate from professional colleagues who are not listed as references.
Candidates in the final stage of the employment process are typically the focus of reference checks, but some organizations do this in the early stages.
This removes dishonest applicants who provided false information on their applications.
Contact each of the references by phone or email. Start with a supervisory manager before contacting others, and introduce yourself and your organization.
Inform the supervisory manager about the candidate and the position they are vying for.
Confirm if the manager agreed to be a reference for the applicant. Inform them that your organization may hire the candidate and that you need to verify their reliability by conducting a reference check. Let the manager the applicant consented to the procedure.
Ask if the reference wants to take part in the check. If they agree to it, schedule a time convenient for them for the phone interview. Alternatively, they can agree to have the interview done on the spot.
The reference also has the option of getting the questions through email, as they can respond at their convenience.
If you schedule a check, send the reference a form that has the questions you’ll ask during the interview. This will give them enough time to prepare their responses to the questions.
There might be occasions where the reference check form has to go through modifications before sending it out, as some positions have special criteria. For example, managerial positions; with these, you’ll need to ask about the candidate’s qualifications and leadership abilities.
Reference Check Day
Candidates in the final stage of the employment process are typically the focus of reference checks, but some organizations do this in the early stages.
This removes dishonest applicants who provided false information on their applications.
Contact each of the references by phone or email. Start with a supervisory manager before contacting others, and introduce yourself and your organization.
Inform the supervisory manager about the candidate and the position they are vying for.
Confirm if the manager agreed to be a reference for the applicant. Inform them that your organization may hire the candidate and that you need to verify their reliability by conducting a reference check. Let the manager the applicant consented to the procedure.
Ask if the reference wants to take part in the check. If they agree to it, schedule a time convenient for them for the phone interview. Alternatively, they can agree to have the interview done on the spot.
The reference also has the option of getting the questions through email, as they can respond at their convenience.
If you schedule a check, send the reference a form that has the questions you’ll ask during the interview. This will give them enough time to prepare their responses to the questions.
There might be occasions where the reference check form has to go through modifications before sending it out, as some positions have special criteria. For example, managerial positions; with these, you’ll need to ask about the candidate’s qualifications and leadership abilities.
20 Reference Check Questions and Answers
There is a limit to the number of questions one can ask during a reference check, due to time constraints. To aid with this, we’ve selected the ones that will get the information the hiring manager needs to help in determining the quality of the applicant.
Verification Questions
These questions verify the accuracy of the information the candidate provided when applying.
How Well Do You Know the Candidate?
The reference should be able to tell what they know about the candidate, and should also be able to describe their work personality.
The answer will help establish the relationship between the reference and the candidate, and will also verify the information provided by the latter during the application process.
How Long Did You Work With the Candidate?
The reference should provide the amount of time they worked with the candidate, as this will give an insight into how well they know them. The longer the time, the more they are likely to know.
It’s also possible to use this answer to verify the candidate’s employment start and end dates when confirming their information.
Employment History
These questions look at the details of the previous jobs the applicant held.
What Was the Candidate’s Job Title?
The reference should establish the role the candidate had in their organization. Their answers will reveal if they have the requisite qualifications for your job offer.
What Were the Candidate’s Responsibilities?
This is a critical question to ask when checking references — getting to know the responsibilities the candidate handled should confirm if they can perform the new job they are being considered for.
Did the Candidate Receive a Promotion or Change Roles?
This shows if the applicant had a good enough job performance to justify a promotion, and also demonstrates their work ethic and drive.
However, you shouldn’t be quick to dismiss your candidate if the reverse is the case. Get the reference’s view on this issue — some factors beyond job performance might have prevented their promotion, and can even be a major reason why they’re seeking employment at your organization.
How Was the Candidate’s Performance?
A supervisor reference should be able to give a review of how well the candidate performed at their job.
A very good performance is likely to be remembered, and enthusiasm will show in the reference’s voice. Poor performance can also stand out, but an average job performance is likely to be hardly noticed.
The answers will be a big determinant about hiring the candidate.
What Made the Candidate Leave?
This answer from the reference can play a big part in hiring the applicant.
If low performance on the job was a major reason for the exit, that is a red flag. However, it’s also possible that the candidate left the company to try something new or to seek a better job package.
Leaving on good or bad terms also speaks volumes — either way, the reason should be similar to the one the candidate recorded on their application. If it doesn’t, it can reflect on their poor morals.
Candidate’s Skill Sets
These questions gauge the applicant’s skills and knowledge and also measure their strengths and weaknesses.
What Are the Candidate’s Strengths?
The reference should give the candidate’s skills and knowledge — their strongest points. Let them provide examples where the candidate showcased these strengths, and consider how they can benefit your organization’s productivity.
What Are the Candidate’s Weaknesses?
Knowing the applicant’s weaknesses is also necessary. You can compare these inverse qualities against their strengths.
This comparison can play a part in determining if the applicant will be a good hire.
How Do You Think the Candidate Can Improve?
Having worked with the candidate in the past, the reference should know the areas where they need to improve. They might also know the best way for the applicant to accomplish this. If the candidate is worth it, your organization can help with their development.
Job Performance
This section measures the candidate’s competency for the job. This part is vital in reference checks, and examples of the candidate’s work have to be available to prove this point.
In What Capacity Did the Candidate’s Competency Contribute to Your Organization?
Ask the reference to give detailed evidence of one or two projects where the candidate played a pivotal role through their work. There should be a description of the scenario, project goals, and the impact they made.
This evidence can be important in determining if hiring the candidate will be worth it and is essential for jobs with special criteria, like mechanical engineering or medical-related fields.
Employee Engagement
These questions seek the best way to engage the applicant at the workplace. This aspect is imperative to getting the best out of them when they are under your employment.
What Motivates the Candidate?
Knowledge of the applicant’s job motivation will provide the best way to engage them and can be a factor in improving your organization’s productivity.
What is the Candidate’s Communication Style?
Ask the reference how the applicant conveyed their thoughts to their colleagues, and confirm how they communicated with their superiors. It will give an idea of how they will fit into your organization’s corporate culture.
What is an Example of the Candidate Resolving a Conflict or Problem?
The answer from the reference will let you know how good the applicant is at problem resolution and can tell you how they cope with work pressure.
Working Relationships
Inquiries into this aspect look at how the applicant will work with others.
How Was Your Working Relationship With the Candidate?
The reference’s working experience with the candidate can be revealing and could predict how they will function with others in your organization.
Does the Candidate Like Working Solo or in Teams?
Some people prefer to work with others, some function better when working alone, and some can work both ways.
Consider your organization’s corporate culture and if the candidate can flourish within it.
Leadership Qualities
This aspect doesn’t have to apply only to hiring managers — employees with leadership qualities are likely to be more engaged and productive in the workplace.
It’s also an opportunity to groom future leaders for your organization.
What is the Candidate’s Leadership Style?
A description of their managerial style will give an insight into if the applicant will be successful for that type of position at your organization. The experience of coworkers in teams or units led by the applicant can also be useful.
Does the Candidate Have Leadership Potential?
This applies to applicants for non-managerial positions. If the candidate has any leadership traits, the reference is likely to have noticed them.
There’s also the chance that the candidate has leadership ambitions — this shows someone who’s motivated and willing to go the extra mile.
When Has the Candidate Demonstrated Leadership Potential?
The examples provided by the reference should be on an organizational project where the applicant had an impact by leading an initiative or course of action. This can be evidence of the applicant’s leadership potential.
Closing Questions
These questions are for getting more information and are also a way to end the reference checking on a good note.
Would You Rehire the Candidate if Given the Opportunity?
The reference’s answer to this question will reveal much about the candidate. If they’re enthusiastic about rehiring the candidate, it’s a good sign that you’ve found the right person to fill the vacant position in your organization.
Is the Candidate a Good Fit for the Job Being Offered?
Having worked with the candidate before, it is highly likely the reference will know if they can thrive in the position on offer at your organization.
So, there you have it. You now know how to get the information you need through your reference check.
Not enough time to do everything above? Instant Record Check can conduct your reference checks for you, on your behalf. We are an accredited private investigation company in Canada with experienced employees who will get you the information you want. Benefit from our prowess today!
Featured Image: Pexels