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What Shows Up in an Online Criminal Record Check

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What Shows Up in an Online Criminal Record Check

What would happen if organizations and companies didn’t vet their employees or volunteers? They’d have to deal with vulnerable security, an eroded brand, and trust issues.

That’s why obtaining sufficient data on current and potential employees is non-negotiable. To that end, organizations must conduct a criminal record check before committing to hire or work with an individual.

To improve ease of access, local police services and the Royal Canadian Mounted Police (RMCP) have authorized private companies to offer a criminal record check service.

Consequently, a private agency may perform a search in the database of national, municipal, and community police centres to fetch an individual’s criminal report.

These checks produce a report with varying levels of detail, depending on the user’s requirements.
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What Does an Online Criminal Record Check Entail?

Using details received from an online application, the agency searches the Canadian Police Information Centre under the National Repository of Criminal Records. The search will also comprise local police records and other data banks to obtain a comprehensive report.

Modalities for Conducting the Search

To use a criminal record check service, you must provide either your name or fingerprints for identity verification.

Below is a brief of how the two searches work.

Name-Based Search Criminal Record Check

permanent resident card certificate
Source: Pixabay by tigerlily713

This application process requires your name and date of birth to initiate the search. However, this type of search is prone to errors because of similar last names, differences in spelling, and intentional name changes by criminal offenders.

Due to the above reasons, the name search is used in conjunction with fingerprints to improve criminal record checks. This takes us to our next point.

Fingerprint Search or Certified Criminal Record Checks

A fingerprint search produces more accurate criminal records because not only are they unique, but the majority of people can have their prints captured. Even so, it’s easier to perform the check when your fingerprints are already present in the police database.

For that reason, the public is urged to provide their prints to a fingerprinting services company. This proactive role of citizens eliminates instances of delays or missing records. Consequently, it’ll be easier for organizations to run criminal record checks on you.

The Role of Electronic Identity Verification (EIV) in Criminal Record Checks

Financial institutions widely use the electronic ID verification (EIV) system to review credit history or as a point of reference for customers. While conducting an online application, EIV assists in verifying the validity of applicants’ data.

In order to use electronic ID verification in criminal record checks, applicants must:

  • Have a credit history of at least six months in Canada.
  • Answer credit-related security questions.
  • Have lived in Canada for two years.

Let’s take a look at the details to expect from the various criminal record checks in Ottawa alone.

Different Criminal Record Checks and Expected Results

After you’ve input the required details to either the National Police database or community police centres, the results will vary according to the search type.

Below is a breakdown of the results based on the search.

Criminal Record Check

A criminal record check is the least comprehensive search, highlighting a summary of criminal convictions and findings of guilt under the Youth Criminal Justice Act (YCJA). The results can either return a complete or negative report.

For a better understanding, the criminal record check captures any criminal offences that haven’t been pardoned or discharged.

The search also includes violations and remedial measures under the Youth Criminal Justice Act.

So, what does the Youth Criminal Justice Act entail?

The YCJA offers an extra-judicial mechanism established to process offences carried out by young people – teenagers, minors, and young adults.

Below are the possible results from an online application based on the act:

  • Warnings, Cautions, or Referrals — A certified criminal record check will produce a comprehensive list of deterrent measures that a minor has received. Besides, the criminal record check also captures any referrals to third-party agencies for the purposes of reform, including time served.
  • Extrajudicial Sanctions — The check can also reveal whether the subject has disregarded past warnings or cautions, leading to extrajudicial sanctions. Extrajudicial sanctions include volunteer work and compensation for the victim.

If you need a comprehensive criminal record check, use the Instant Record Check online application for a smooth and simple process.

Criminal Record and Judicial Matters Check

A Criminal Record and Judicial Matters Check is a more comprehensive criminal record verification that is used for in-depth analysis. To obtain additional details, the search comprises a larger number of database centres than a criminal record check.

Some of these database centres include investigative and identification data banks, the Canadian Police Investigative Centre, as well as the Police Information Portal.

As a result, a Criminal Record and Judicial Matters Check offers more profound insights. From the report, you’ll gain information about matters that are yet to be concluded, those not fully updated, and various court decisions.

Below is a breakdown of the comprehensive details you’ll receive from the check:

  • Any criminal offences for which you received conditional discharge (up to three years ago) or absolute discharge (within the last year)
  • Court orders, peace bonds, probations, charges, and prohibition orders that are still active
  • Outstanding warrants
  • All pending charges before the courts
  • Concluded offences not updated in the RCMP’s National Repository of Criminal Records

Vulnerable Sector Record Check

Checks criminal record
Source: Pixabay by geralt

A vulnerable sector check contains details of criminal checks, in addition to records of pardoned or suspended sexual offences. The check helps to protect vulnerable people including children, the elderly, or people with disabilities.

The hiring company or volunteer organization requires a criminal record check for all applicants to ensure a secure screening process. The fundamental consideration is assuming position of authority or trust with vulnerable citizens.

Before the check is authorized, applicants must provide the following details:

  • A clear description of the position to be filled
  • The name of the organization recruiting for the position
  • Details of the vulnerable persons, e.g., age, disability, or other factors that classify the population as vulnerable
  • Clarity on the issue of no payment to volunteers — the applicant should clarify that no salary or professional fee will be offered to the volunteer

After providing all the necessary application details, the vulnerable sector check receives a green light.

Here’s a list of the details you can expect from the results:

  • A list of cases that found the subject not criminally guilty on account of mental disorder, except in the case of an absolute discharge
  • A report of all suspended sexual offences or violations
  • Records of withdrawn charges or dismissed cases touching on sexual offences
  • Absolute discharge for one year and a conditional discharge for three years
  • All outstanding items such as warrants, peace bonds, probation and probation orders, judicial orders, and charges
  • Findings of guilt under the Youth Criminal Justice Act for anyone applying for a position in a government agency
  • A summary of criminal convictions for the past five years

Nevertheless, the check does not include family court restraining orders, reference to contagious diseases, or findings under the Youth Criminal Justice Act beyond the applicable disclosure period.

Try Instant Record Check for a Quick and Comprehensive Report

The process of vetting potential employees or volunteers is nuanced and could potentially create risks for your organization. That’s why it’s critical to conduct accurate criminal record checks.

It pays off to work with reliable and tested solutions like Instant Record Check. As a result, your organization will tap our depth of experience, knowledge, and network in the industry.

Visit Instant Record Check today for a quick and comprehensive report.
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